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Kistler Bros. Games (Mexico City) release their first Analog / Digital hybrid board game:

Baseball Diamante® 

We dedicated 10 years of development to this amazing game that combines strategy and chance, with a wonderful sense of a baseball simulator but with easy to learn dynamic rules. It's easy to get your batter's on base, but not so easy to score a run!

An offensive strategy can make the difference!


The game includes a stadium, magnetic team helmets, colored die, two ball/chips, a manual (eng /spa) and a free app that is used as the stadium's electronic scoreboard to keep track of every play of the game.

The app includes game settings with game lengths, sound and language options, intelligent dynamic audio to make it an immersive experience, homerun celebration animations, a help section and a digital version of the Game Manual.

8 yrs old and up! From 2 to 4 players.  

Additional items sold separately.


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